Mighty Magnesium: Your Health Depends On It

In association with:

Tawnya Ritco, RHN

Tawnya Ritco is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), product specialist and health educator with Purica who was first inspired 20 years ago by her family to study the relationships between food, hormones, blood sugar and cardiovascular and overall health. She now has more than 12 years of direct experience in the natural health industry with a focus on active living, healthy eating and whole food supplementation. Her career’s work has included the promotion of herbal remedies, marine phytoplankton and now the dynamic line of natural supplements carrying the Purica brand name. A 2008 graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, she has represented Purica since 2009. Her passion is the power of natural whole foods, plant-based nutrition and educational marketing.